Monday, August 17, 2009

The World this week

Obama v America
This week saw continued problems for the world's favourite politician, President Obama. In what has predictably become the biggest hurdle of his presidency so far, Obama has begun his plans to introduce a European-style healthcare system to the United States. As a result of this move, he has become the Devil. He was already the anti-Christ of the GOP but now the ant-Obama vitriol has spread to the wider American public. They don't want this terrible socialist system forced upon pure, capitalist America. This will make America like Soviet Russia. Unthinkable, but there are worse claims. These claims have come from the Republican voice of acrimony, SARAH PALIN. The now resigned governor of Alaska's baseless claims that Obama's system will set up "death panels" to determine whether her disabled chile (and others like him) should live or die has generated terror among America's redknecks and working class heroes. In any other country in the civilised world, such claims would be consider ludicrous. Not in America. In any other country in the world, ordinary working people would not be rejecting a state healthcare system. Not in America. In any other civilised country, Obama would have come in for criticism much earlier than this. Not in America.

Eight years later, 204 dead
The big news in Britain this week has been the level of casualties from the war in Afghanistan. In just under 8 years, there have been 204 British soldiers killed. The British see this as a travesty. Furthermore, most Britons don't understand why they went to war (having forgotten their alliance with an America that no longer exists) and they don't believe the war can be won. Is this the same country that fought the French for 116 years? Is this the same country that stood alone against Hitler, facing huge civilian casualties and the near-total destruction of everything they held dear while the world watched and did nothing? Two-hundred and four dead in eight years and they're whining about it?

The Nay-sayers and NAMA
The National Assets Management Agency is facing some stern opposition. There is even a Facebook group opposing its creation. They tell us it's the only way to save the banks and by extension the country. I'm not an economist.

Recession over?
It's over. Yes, it really is over. Or at least it's over in France, Germany and Japan (and technically Britain too). It certainly isn't over here. It seems the criteria for getting out of recession are that you have to be big and rich but that was never really in question.

The world spins ever on, what will happen this week?