Thursday, June 25, 2009

Come back Lenin, we miss you

Put the Wall back up, place the nukes on stand-by and alert the Oval Office that they may lose most of the east coast, the Cold War is back on! The wise, new President Obama, in consultation with his Russian and European counterparts, has concluded a treaty restoring the Soviet Union and mutual assured destruction and the world has breathed a sigh of relief. Osama Bin Laden? Pah! Who's afraid of Al-Qaeda when the Russkies have enough ICBMs aimed at Washington to destroy the world 100 times over? No more worrying about highjacking aircraft, any suspicious plane will be shot down by NORAD as a suspected Soviet spy. That's right, the good old days are here again!

Alll across the world, the people rejoice! In Europe, the original members of NATO are delighted that finally their troops won't waste their time trying to steal oil from Islamic despotisms. No, not they. Rather, they'll do what they were mandated to do: interfere in internal politics of proto-socialist nations to "contain" the Commi threat and combat the Domino effect.

In Germany, the Federal government is delighted to be rid of the expense of the former (now renewed) DDR, and Chancellor Angela Merkel finally has the Stassi at her command to enforce her Ossi will.

In the USSR (formerly Russia), the Kremlin is dressed for full, beligerent, Communistic celebration, now that Putin and Medvedev don't need to worry about going through elections to retain power. The Russian Bear is fully restored to its superpower status and the military parades are back to prove it.

In the home of freedom (USA), the House Un-American Activities Committee is knee deep in hearings to root out the Commi slime that lurks within the state, as it surely must now that the Soviets are at the door again. President Obama has begun practicing his rhetoric and re-orientating his foreign policy to focus once more on defeating the Red Scourge. All of America is concentrated on this glorious goal of making everyone in the world as free as they are, by force if necessary, and they have never been happier. As for the economy, the military-industrial complex is working overtime to manufacture as many massively dangerous weapons as possible, not to mention equipping the new army recruits for inevitable, future invasions. Times are good.

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